DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH: Dot Demo – “David Ortiz Freestyle”

In this new entry in our ‘Diamonds In The Rough’ category, we want to introduce you to upcoming artist Dot Demo and his brand new single titled “David Ortiz Freestyle”.

In the stark days of early Winter ’22, Dot Demo delivers a striking visual for his “David Ortiz Freestyle”  direct from his home base in the South Bronx. The track is rich with stellar lyrics and witty isms, as Dot flips cadences effortlessly over dual-toned drum patterns crafted by his brother and frequent collaborator RUNITUPDAY!

Watch the OMERTÀ-directed video below, and listen to “David Ortiz Freestyle” on Dot Demo’s new album 93HUNNIT, which is available on your favorite digital platform here.

Listen and watch below:

The post DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH: Dot Demo – “David Ortiz Freestyle” appeared first on Fresh: Hip-Hop & R&B.

from Fresh: Hip-Hop & R&B
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